Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Best Thing About Being A Parent

You can yell at the kids all day - wasn't a good day here today, kids just wouldn't stop!  You now how it is sometimes.

Come bed-time and you are the best mother in the world, the centre of their universe and they love you more that anything.


Exercise, Schmexercise

Why is it that on the day that you have a thumping headache – that’s the day the kids decide to be loud and annoying and fight ALL DAY LONG?

How many times does one have to tell them to shut the fuck up before they do just that?  I haven’t actually said that to them today, but the day’s not over yet!

It’s my fault, whenever I start on a new weight loss program, I always get a headache in the first few days, nothing major, that a couple of Panadol won’t fix but I know its gonna happen, nothing I can do about it.

What’s really weird is that I haven’t started a new plan – I have signed up for Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation so maybe this headache is an apprehension headache, lol.  Shit-scared of her making me do and eat things I don’t want to!

Yesterday I changed my exercise routine.  Normally, I’d drop Tahlia off at school and then come home and do some form of exercise but yesterday, I went as soon as I’d given the kids their brekkie.

Also, instead of doing Tae Bo or something else inside, I decided to go for a run – ahem, jog/walk.  I have a paddock which is about 150m around the perimeter so I figured I’d give it a go, never been one for running but what the hay! 

Five laps later, I came inside, had a shower then breakfast and by lunchtime I was exhausted and needed a nap.  Two hours later I emerged!  Same thing today, 6 laps – woo hoo.  But come 10:30, I couldn’t keep my eyes open and had to go back to bed and have felt like shit all day.  The kids being in the mood they’re in hasn’t  helped, that’s where being a single parent isn’t much fun although the Wanker wouldn’t have been any help anyway.

I had to go to bed, otherwise, I’d be really irritable and snap at the kids all day which isn’t fair to them.  They took care of themselves and didn’t destroy anything, thank God.  It usually hits me in the afternoon (three-thirtyitis) but since I’ve started exercising regularly, the need for a nanna nap has pretty much ceased.

So, I’m just not sure what the problem is – is it the running or the timing?  Tell you what, I could really go for a wine right about now, but I have a dry house at the moment.  I have some bubbly in the pantry and a bottle of Chardonay – ewww!  It will be a pretty desparate day when I open that sucker.

I already know that I’m going to cave and open something, in fact as I type this, I know I’m about to get up and put a bottle of bubbly in the fridge, problem with bubbly is – you’ve got to finish the bottle!  Well I do, anyway.

I’m going to do my first boot-camp tomorrow, can’t wait!  My legs and bum are killing me from running for 10 minutes today but it’s a good hurt.

Wish me luck

Talk soon

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A New Journey - Part V

There will be no post today on the subject of weight loss...mainly because I'm pretty sure I've put on at least a kilo and well, you know - it's Easter people!

I've also just had my daughter's 5th birthday so that requires the consumption of party pies and sausage rolls, etc, etc - oh, and someone has to eat the leftovers!

I was going to ask my facebook friends it they'd be interested in running with me at the local oval and then realised I have a paddock - der!  I can do it whenever I like and the kids shouldn't get in the way.  Only problem is - I hate running.   I am a dickhead!  However, I feel the need to spice-up my exercise routine so I'll see if running agrees with me.

I'm going to join Michelle Bridges's (The Biggest Loser) 12 Week Body Transformation, pre-season starts in a few days.  I figure she's gonna make me do lots of exercise so I may as well start now.

Anyone want to join me in the 12WBT?  

Talk soon

Friday, April 22, 2011


I could do a whole post on how amazing pj's are for lounging around in but they're fucking horrible to sleep in - but I won't!  I mean seriously, sometimes I put them on in the evening while I'm watching TV - or whatever.  Then I take them off to go to bed!

Enjoy your Easter everyone.

Talk Soon

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A New Journey - Part IV

Once again, I haven't really tried too hard this week.  I know what I need to do to lose weight and when I put my mind to it - it works.  

I've lost 2.3kg in three weeks,so that's not too bad.  Tahlia's birthday is on Thursday and I vaguely remember stating that I wanted to get down to 63kg for that, pretty sure I can do it.  This week there's been a couple of hot cross buns - bugger!  There may have been some wine in there as well - oops!

This is actually yesterday's weight.  Today I had to be up at the crack of dawn to be at a swap meet and knew I wouldn't have time to weigh in beforehand.  Today was a very, very bad food day.  This morning, I had my usual fruit smoothie.  (I'm not a fan of fruit, so every day I have a smoothie so I know I'm actually eating the stuff - yes, even those expensive bananas!).

So, I'd had breakfast but as I finished setting up my stall, everyone was eating bacon and egg burgers and even though I wasn't hungry, I went and got one.  The Primary School had a bake sale and since I didn't provide anything for it, I figured I should buy from it - something for the kids.  So I got a pack of 4 cupcakes.

That finished at 12 and I had to go and pick up the kids from the Wanker.  On the way back, we got Hungry Jacks, then we had a cupcake when we got home.  It's nearly 6pm and I'm, not hungry (don't know why, lol!) so I won't have any dinner.  

If you're gonna be naughty you may as well get it over and done with in the one day, I reckon.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Girlfriend

Wanker has a girlfriend.  The kids told me when they got home from his place the other day.  I asked Tahlia ‘Who did your hair for school?’ ‘Daddy’s girlfriend’.  ‘Did she come over this morning or did she stay with Daddy last night?’ ‘She slept at Daddy’s house.’

Sound jealous, don’t I?  Seriously, I’m not.  I have no feelings for the Wanker, he could’ve rooted around on me while we were married and it wouldn’t have bothered me.  Given the opportunity, I probably would have, I don’t think he’d have any reason to be upset about it.  He wasn’t giving me any so why shouldn’t I get it somewhere else?  Of course, those opportunities didn’t actually come up so it wasn’t an issue and I really don’t think he was unfaithful because he’s really not that kind of guy.  Now I sound naïve! 

Many years ago a couple of weeks before he was to be married, he found out his fiancé was cheating on him.  He was gutted (obviously) and hates people who do that.

The fact that he’s found someone doesn’t surprise me at all - he’s never been one to be on his own for any length of time.  He’s had a few long term relationships but he’s gone from one to the other without a break.  Hell, he was still living with his ex-girlfriend (she hadn’t moved out yet) when he started seeing me!

Plus, there’s the fact that he hasn’t changed his Paypal password and I check it every now and then to see what he’s wasting his money on.  In January he paid a company called ‘eHarmony’, not sure what kind of company this is, heehee!  Nothing wrong with internet dating, I’ll probably do it myself when I’m ready.

I’m not ready, not because I’m grieving the breakup of my marriage – far from it.  It’s just that it hasn’t really occurred to me to go looking, it’s just not on my mind.

The thing that does bother me about the Wanker having a girlfriend is the ‘sleepover’ while my kids are there.  I’ve already decided that if and when I do meet someone, they won’t be ‘sleeping over’ when the kids are here.  We can do that when they’re at their dad’s.  Obviously later on, that will change if a good relationship develops.

The other thing is that he lies to the kids.  When he first moved out, he called his house the ‘work house’ supposedly he was living there because it was closer to work or something – I don’t know.  And now the girlfriend slept with Daddy because she didn’t have a car to get home and there wasn’t anywhere else in the house for her to sleep.

Just tell them the truth!  She’s sleeping with you because she’s your girlfriend.  The kids don’t care, they certainly rarely saw us sharing a bed, so it’s not a big deal to them, probably no different than them slipping in to my bed in the middle of the night.

I think Tahlia actually thought of me and the Wanker as brother and sister rather than husband and wife, funny that.

Anyhoo, I’m glad that he’s found someone and not surprised at all.  I’m hoping that she’ll talk some sense into him in regard to finalising a settlement  and ending the marriage.

It’s funny that the same day I found out about the girlfriend (the kids don’t remember her name! lol) he sent me an email asking how I’d feel about releasing $20k for each of us from our money so he can pay off his credit card.  (Our money from the sale of our house is tied up until we come to an agreement).  I have no intention of giving him $20k in total let alone giving him that much now.  I just emailed him back ‘No’, that’s it – no reasons or anything – just ‘no’.

What he is about to find out is that I’ve seen my lawyer and they’re passing on my settlement proposal to him this week.  Let the fun and games begin…again.

Talk Soon

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A New Journey - Part III

Hmmm - not such a great week, but a loss is a loss, considering I haven't really tried too hard.  

I've been on the piss a couple of nights and haven't done a whole lot of exercise.  My Konga instructor is pregnant and all the jumping around is hurting her back so all classes have been cancelled until later in the year.  

There is a Boot Camp that started up recently, so I'll try that this week and my Tae Bo dvd's should be here in the next couple of days.

I promise (myself) to do better this week!

Talk Soon

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Simple Things

A kite from the $2 shop and my backyard - the simple things.

Tomorrow I'm taking the kids to the movies to see 'Rio'.  They've never been to the movies so it should be exciting for them...and for me - the last movie I went to see was 'The Blair Witch Project'!

It's a surprise, I've only told them that we're going somewhere special.  Tomboy Tahlia has told me she's going to be pretty tomorrow and wear her nice clothes and jewellery - she cracks me up!

Talk Soon

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A New Journey - Part II

I usually weigh myself everyday - yes, I know how wrong that is.  This past week, I've stayed away from them, it wasn't easy.  So, here's what the scales today:

That's a loss of 1.7kg from last week - gotta be happy with that.

I've done a lot of exercise and have stayed off the goon.  I have had a low carb beer most afternoons though.  You know what it's like after school! lol.  The exercise seems to be suppressing my appetite.  I don't feel a need to eat between meals, I also used to have dinner, ice-cream and then a couple of hours later scoff half a (large) bag of chips.  I've still had the ice-cream (Nestle Light and Creamy, yummmmm) but I haven't had the need to eat the crap late at night.

I've been doing my exercise every day after dropping Miss T off at school in the morning, I'm not a morning person, so there's no way I could get up early and do it before they get up.

I've also found that on the days that I exercise, I don't need my afternoon nanna nap which is interesting.  I've just bought a Tae Bo box set of DVDs off ebay - having to watch them on Youtube was eating up all my downloads.  So hopefully I'll have them by the end of the week.  In the meantime, I can dance around the lounge-room for half an hour or so every day.

So, let's see what this week brings, I have a busy week with something on just about every day, so not too sure when I'll be able to get the exercise in, I'll have to concentrate on my diet more this week - just in case.

Talk soon