Sunday, April 17, 2011

A New Journey - Part IV

Once again, I haven't really tried too hard this week.  I know what I need to do to lose weight and when I put my mind to it - it works.  

I've lost 2.3kg in three weeks,so that's not too bad.  Tahlia's birthday is on Thursday and I vaguely remember stating that I wanted to get down to 63kg for that, pretty sure I can do it.  This week there's been a couple of hot cross buns - bugger!  There may have been some wine in there as well - oops!

This is actually yesterday's weight.  Today I had to be up at the crack of dawn to be at a swap meet and knew I wouldn't have time to weigh in beforehand.  Today was a very, very bad food day.  This morning, I had my usual fruit smoothie.  (I'm not a fan of fruit, so every day I have a smoothie so I know I'm actually eating the stuff - yes, even those expensive bananas!).

So, I'd had breakfast but as I finished setting up my stall, everyone was eating bacon and egg burgers and even though I wasn't hungry, I went and got one.  The Primary School had a bake sale and since I didn't provide anything for it, I figured I should buy from it - something for the kids.  So I got a pack of 4 cupcakes.

That finished at 12 and I had to go and pick up the kids from the Wanker.  On the way back, we got Hungry Jacks, then we had a cupcake when we got home.  It's nearly 6pm and I'm, not hungry (don't know why, lol!) so I won't have any dinner.  

If you're gonna be naughty you may as well get it over and done with in the one day, I reckon.


  1. Oh, I know days like this! Or should I say 'daze' like this... when your food consumption just passes by in a daze of wrong. You'll get back on track. x

  2. This is too familiar - once you fall off the wagon it is a steep downhill slide don't you find? Over and done with in a day. Clean slate tomorrow. Moving forward as Julia says :)


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