Saturday, May 14, 2011

Feeling Like a Door Mat

When The Wanker and I split, we came to an agreement with the Child Support Agency about how often he would have the kids, etc.

He is a shift worker and I never know from one week to the next when he’s going to have them and that really shits me but that’s not what this post is about.  After our settlement is finalized (if ever!)  I intend to try and put in place some kind of legal contract where he has the kids on certain days of the week, or something, for now I don’t want to make him angry and fuck up any settlement agreement, he’d be inclined to hold everything up just to piss me off!

No, my beef is that I’ve worked out that he’s only been having the kids 66% of the time that was agreed to.  I don’t want more money from him because they’re in my care more.  No, what pisses me off is that he said a long time ago that he wasn’t doing any overtime so that he could spend time with the kids, if he’s doing no overtime he’d be getting 3 days off per week.  So how come 10 days go by without him seeing them?

What I think is happening is that if he has a social engagement, he prefers to go out and doesn’t have the kids.  In effect, making me a babysitter.  Find your own babysitter, Arsehole!

Talk Soon

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A New Journey - Part VI

I'm a bit late with this post, lets take a look at the scales

Well, its a loss, so that's okay.  For Mother's Day, I received a Heart Rate Monitor so now I'm able to track my calories - I love it.  I've worked out a few times with it already and it's great.

I managed to rope a few school mums into working out with me after school yesterday.  Little did I realise that Karate for young kids is also on a Monday at the Hall adjacent to the oval.  Tahlia saw all her friends going in to learn Karate, she followed and I couldn't get her out of there!  The Sensei is also my Tae Bo instructor so that was okay - first lesson free then $45 for the term.  Needless to say, Tahlia is now doing Karate!

Anyway, some Karate mums also joined in, so there was 5 of us and we did a great job.  I managed to burn 399 calories (500 is my aim) I had plenty left in the tank but everyone else was done, so we finished.

I'm working out every day, so next week should be a good weight loss.  Then the Michelle Bridges 12WBT starts in a couple of weeks, I can't wait!  I'm really enjoying exercising and getting others to join me.  I intend to be trim, taut and terrific in time for my birthday in September. 

I got a bonus on Mother's Day, I left my brother's house in the late afternoon and really felt like a drink.  I knew I didn't have anything at home (only that bottle of Chardy which will only be drunk if I'm really desperate)  so I called in to Liquorland and bought a couple of bottles of wine.  When I got home, these were also in the bag!


I don't know if its necessary to make wine 'lighter in alcohol' but I don't mind - they were free!  And they're perfect for when I need want a drink, if I feel compelled to finish the bottle, it won't matter because they're only 187ml!

Talk soon

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I'm No Crafty Mumma!

A hate doing craft with the kids, I hate doing the playground thing, all of that stuff just irritates me and bores me to tears!  Yeah, bad parent, so shoot me!

We have a star chart and the kids are rewarded for good behaviour, nothing specific, just when they do things that make me happy.  I like to give them stars when they least expect it, just for doing (or not doing) something.  Sometimes they get one just for brushing their teeth without me having to tell them to do it.

I’ve put spots along the way, when the kids reach a special spot, they get a prize (courtesy of the $2 shop).  Tahlia earned a prize, so I went to my stash and came out with a Flower Making Kit.
Little did I realize that I would have to help her with it, damn!

So, we made little flowers and big flowers, multi-coloured flowers and spiky flowers.  I think we did a pretty good job!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Boot Camp

So, I went to Boot Camp last week and due to school holidays, it wasn’t on.  A couple of the regular girls showed up to work out anyway, so I joined them.  We didn’t have any equipment, so just made do on our own.

Lots of running, and punching (into thin air), push-ups, dips (hating the dips), we did really well.  At the end, we stood and stretched our arms out at our sides and twirled them until we couldn’t do it any longer, bigger swirls then smaller ones.  We did it for at least a minute and it hurt like hell.  I thought that because I’d been doing Tae Bo and a fair bit of punching lately (not the kids!) that I’d be okay with arm exercises.  How wrong was I?  My upper arms hurt for about 5 days.

No Boot Camp today (still school holidays over here in the West) so back to it next week, I think it may kill me.

I’ve started the 12WBT (pre-season for now) and have ordered a Heart Rate Monitor (which the kids can give me for Mother’s Day) can’t wait to get it.  It’ll be interesting to see just how many calories I can burn in one session.  And if I go back for a second session, the girls told me it’s pretty hard core.

I’ve still been running around the paddock, Tahlia likes to sit in the corner and say, ‘ready, steady, go!’ every time I pass her.  I’ve been using my elliptical trainer as well, it’s a bit friendlier on my knees and I can go for longer.

I’m just trying to increase my fitness levels before Michelle Bridges starts whipping my arse.  She expects 6 training sessions a week and I better be prepared.

Talk Soon