Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Exercise, Schmexercise

Why is it that on the day that you have a thumping headache – that’s the day the kids decide to be loud and annoying and fight ALL DAY LONG?

How many times does one have to tell them to shut the fuck up before they do just that?  I haven’t actually said that to them today, but the day’s not over yet!

It’s my fault, whenever I start on a new weight loss program, I always get a headache in the first few days, nothing major, that a couple of Panadol won’t fix but I know its gonna happen, nothing I can do about it.

What’s really weird is that I haven’t started a new plan – I have signed up for Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation so maybe this headache is an apprehension headache, lol.  Shit-scared of her making me do and eat things I don’t want to!

Yesterday I changed my exercise routine.  Normally, I’d drop Tahlia off at school and then come home and do some form of exercise but yesterday, I went as soon as I’d given the kids their brekkie.

Also, instead of doing Tae Bo or something else inside, I decided to go for a run – ahem, jog/walk.  I have a paddock which is about 150m around the perimeter so I figured I’d give it a go, never been one for running but what the hay! 

Five laps later, I came inside, had a shower then breakfast and by lunchtime I was exhausted and needed a nap.  Two hours later I emerged!  Same thing today, 6 laps – woo hoo.  But come 10:30, I couldn’t keep my eyes open and had to go back to bed and have felt like shit all day.  The kids being in the mood they’re in hasn’t  helped, that’s where being a single parent isn’t much fun although the Wanker wouldn’t have been any help anyway.

I had to go to bed, otherwise, I’d be really irritable and snap at the kids all day which isn’t fair to them.  They took care of themselves and didn’t destroy anything, thank God.  It usually hits me in the afternoon (three-thirtyitis) but since I’ve started exercising regularly, the need for a nanna nap has pretty much ceased.

So, I’m just not sure what the problem is – is it the running or the timing?  Tell you what, I could really go for a wine right about now, but I have a dry house at the moment.  I have some bubbly in the pantry and a bottle of Chardonay – ewww!  It will be a pretty desparate day when I open that sucker.

I already know that I’m going to cave and open something, in fact as I type this, I know I’m about to get up and put a bottle of bubbly in the fridge, problem with bubbly is – you’ve got to finish the bottle!  Well I do, anyway.

I’m going to do my first boot-camp tomorrow, can’t wait!  My legs and bum are killing me from running for 10 minutes today but it’s a good hurt.

Wish me luck

Talk soon


  1. Good luck with the bootcamp - you will love it!

  2. Good luck! Running would take it out of me too. I'm lucky if I get out of the house for a walk once a week, so I'm impressed you're doing Tae Bo and jog/walking. Have fun tomorrow.

  3. Those bottles of bubbly are really just like one big glass you know.

  4. Bootcamp is awesome.

    Cool that you have a good piece of land to lap.

  5. Running has a certain buzz about it, like an instant hit of endorphin that you can't quite get from any other exercise. Hope boot camp is exciting! (and not toooo painful *yelp*)

  6. I get a headache just thinking about exercise. 6 laps? You're a freakin legend!


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