Thursday, March 3, 2011

So Angry

I have to write, just don’t know what else to do, I’m shaking and want to – actually I don’t know what I want to do.

The wanker came over yesterday to pick up the kids and discuss our settlement.  As we are about $50k apart in what we both want, my lawyer suggested maybe splitting the difference.  I suggested that to him, in effect giving him a 40% share of our net assets.  I told him that I understood that he feels that as the ‘breadwinner’ since the kids came along, he feels that he should get all the cash we have available and I understand that while he wouldn’t and shouldn’t have to start over – he can.  He has an investment property that he can sell, and basically he has options.  On the other hand, I don’t have any options.

Once again, he mentioned that he needs a deposit for a house, etc, etc.  I informed him that he’d like a deposit for a house whereas in fact he could rent but I understand that he wouldn’t and shouldn’t have to go down that route.  Once again he mentioned that he wants to have something to give the kids in the future.  I said the kids don’t really care what you can provide when you die, they need a roof over their heads NOW! 

I went on to explain my position with Centrelink and having too much money in the bank, etc and that I have to purchase a house and can only borrow a small amount.

At one stage he even threatened to get a court order to have our legal fees taken out of the asset pool, I hit the roof and told him he’d have a fucking big fight on his hands if he tried that.

As usual he didn’t make any suggestions, just asked for a copy of the spreadsheet that I’d shown him which he then took and said he’s think about it.

I actually thought that I’d gotten through to him but apparently not. 
When he dropped the kids off this morning, he said he wanted $60k (which is just over 50%) or we go to court.  This equates to $25k less to me which would also leave me without enough to buy a house.  I assume that Centrelink would cut me off and I’d have to use any money that I did have to live on.

I just can’t believe that he doesn’t care about the kids’ well-being, it’s all about what he wants.  Surely he knows that if this went to court that he’s not going to get more than 40%, and that whatever he does get will be eaten up in legal fees?  I don’t know what’s gotten in to him, why is he being such a cunt (sorry – very angry!).  Have I hurt him that badly?  Surely he knew the marriage was over for years before I actually did anything about it.

Why is he doing this?  It’s like he’s doing it just to be spiteful, whereas all I want is a safe home for the kids.  I don’t care if I have to rent for the rest of my life, I wouldn’t like it but it’s not such a big deal, why has he taken this stance?

So angry and I know I won’t get any sleep tonight, I’m full of the flu and feel like shit.  My ears are blocked and I can’t hear anything.  Been crying all day – I’m okay, not depressed or anything like that just really fucking angry. 

Not a good day people.

Will keep you posted.

Talk soon


  1. Wanker is too civil a term for him.

    Came over from FYBF. Staying cause I like it here!

  2. Legally the assets are split 50/50 and the parent with primary care of the children gets an additional 5% per child. So what you were offering him is what the courts would decide, if not more....

  3. Thanks Dorothy, I've seen my lawyer and would probably get up to 70% if we went to court (because of the huge disparity in future earnings) We've offered him 65%, so we'll see where we go from here.

  4. So sad, Doodah. It does end with a bang not a whimper sometimes. x


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