Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Tattoo

I’m a tattoo virgin, I don’t have any tats, never thought about getting one…until now.  Well, ever since I kicked the Wanker to the curb.  A present to myself for having the balls to finally end the relationship.

It’s getting to be an urge now, a need, I really want one – something cool and at the same time pretty, one that encircles my wrist like a bracelet.  (Think Karen from Californication) 

Anyhoo, if I had available funds, I would already have been inked.  But alas, that’s not gonna happen any time soon.

The Wanker has also never expressed any desire to get a tattoo so colour me surprised when we did the ‘children swap’ the other day and I notice a tat on his arm – he had a T-shirt on, so I could only see a bit of it.  Miss T informed me when I picked them up that it’s a dragon that goes across his chest and down his arm.  He must be getting himself some man-scaping because I don’t see the sense in getting a tat that you can’t see for chest hair!

So now I’m really pissed off (again) because he’s beaten me to it.  Now, when I finally get mine, he’s gonna think I’m copying him.

At least mine will be a bit more tasteful.

I hope he realizes that having a tat doesn’t compensate for having a hairy back and a little dick!

Talk soon


  1. I say get one if you want too. Who cares what the Wanker is up to?

    I wrote a post about tattoos recently you might want to look at before you indulge: http://pilesofwashing.blogspot.com/2011/02/ink.html The comments are really interesting!

    I had to visit when you started following my blog today - you and my son have the same name! Doo Dah. Hi! and welcome to And then there were four x

  2. Thanks, I've just read your post and left a comment. I'm definitely getting one, just have to get some money together.

  3. Hey there Doodah. Thanks for following my blog. Just popping back to return the favour. I don't have any tats either - but that one in the pic is pretty. I like tasteful ones on others - but think I'll stay tat free :) Look forward to seeing it when you get it!

  4. Get one! Get one! Oh and don't get a dragon or some such that every other person has got. Get something designed specifically for you! I love my tattoo on my wrist (although it still shocks me when I see it from time to time. LOL).

    Jumped over from FYBF (although I haven't put a post there. Missed the train this week).

  5. Hello, thanks so much for following me today on my blog.

    I have to say, I'm not one for tatts but if I ever had an urge, like it sounds you do, I'd pursue it. Tastefully, in my own time. I think what you have in mind is far better than a big statement emblazoned across you. Go for it! (and pay no mind to what it may look like - you know the truth, that's what matters)

  6. Careful, they're addictive :P


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