Sunday, March 6, 2011

My Worst Fear

My worst fear has finally been realized, if only in a small way.  Yes. Master R cut Miss T’s hair today.  Granted, it was more of a strand of hair than anything!  It looks like he picked up a chunk of hair, although ‘chunk’ may be a bit strong, it would be less than 1cm thick.  He cut it at about ear length right on the top of her hair (if you know what I mean) if it was on the bottom, no-one would notice. 

I found strands of hair in the bin and my immediate thought was that she was sick and was losing her hair!  That lasted about half a second.  Then I found more on the couch.  I’d forgotten that she’d been colouring and cutting, etc.  Normally, I don’t like to leave scissors and crayons, paints, etc with the kids if I’m not watching them – and let’s face it – I never watch them.  So, obviously I’ve gotten a bit lax in this department and low and behold I suppose I deserve it.  I’m also paranoid of them drawing all over the walls and floor – but I think thats perfectly understandable.

I've placed the darker bit over the highlight so you can just make out where he cut it - not so bad...really

I’ve always been paranoid about this happening and in fact a friend’s daughter (same age as miss T) decided to cut her own hair last year and ended up with a mullet – very attractive.  Takes me back to the 70’s when mother used to cut my hair.  I cringe just thinking about it.  And of course you hear other horror stories of kids cutting their hair.  I always assumed she would cut her own hair though, not Master R do it for her!  She reckons, she didn’t know he’d done it, she was watching theTV.

I’ve never really been able to grow my hair and always wanted to.  It would get to a certain length and turn into ‘rats tails’ – what a lovely term that is.  Miss T has lovely hair and I’m happy to let it grow and grow and grow.  Of course, with her being a tom-boy, I’m not sure how long this will last!  One day she wants it cut short, the next she wants to be like Rapunzel. 

I hope she favours Rapunzel.

Talk soon


  1. ah my girls cut both their own hair and each others... on more than one occasion.... oops!
    Interestingly my middle boy has never done the hair cutting thing... but then he is only 3.5 so I guess there is still time!

  2. Mullets and ratstails. You're a woman after my own bogan heart. Hehe. Thanks for linking up, Doodah, nice to see another WA gal.

  3. Isn't that a childhood right of passage? A little girl (3) we know cut off half her fringe the other day. Her mother was beside herself. Thank goodness hair grows back!

  4. Kate - Master R is 3, so yes there is still time!
    Glowless - I'm no bogan! lol.

    I think it's funny that if a hairdresser stuffs up my hair, I don't really worry too much - it's hair - it grows back!
    But because kids don't cut (they hack) that's why its so devastating! Also, perhaps the fact that you want to have control over how they look.
    The scissors used were pretty blunt so the little bit that he did cut is a bit more noticeable now because its already starting to split...little bugger!

    Thanks for the comments.

  5. My daughter gave herself a haircut last year. It didn't end well. But I guess they grow up and it grows out in the end....


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