Friday, March 18, 2011

I’m Funny – Really I Am

Weird isn’t it, I’m a really funny person,  I’ve usually got a witty comment or two up my sleeve.  But blogging is making me dull, I’m just not that humorous on paper monitor/lappie/IPhone/IPad, etc.

So, instead of me being hilarious, here are a few things my kids have said lately:

My personal favourite is this one – I was singing (as you do) and Miss T told me to, “Stop, that’s annoying my ears!”  Thank you very much!

Asking which shoes Master R would like to wear – “Your runners?”  He replies, “No, my running shoes” – pretty sure they’re the same thing!

Miss T was running down the passage yelling, “I’m a Supergirl!”  Master R replied in a sing-song voice “No, you’re not.”  It is, after all his job to put her in her place.

It was a long, hot summer – don’t you love the way they’re in the same position?

Talk Soon


  1. Ha ha! You can always count on kids to lighten the mood. Even before they're talking and are all about actions and incomprehensible garbling, they're a hoot.

  2. Cute photo!! It's been bloody hot so my little guy has spent most of his days in just a nappy.

  3. Yes, a bloody hot summer.. Humidity is my greatest enemy!! ha ha
    Classic shot! (:


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