Monday, February 28, 2011

We can only hope

So, I’ve seen the lawyer, who told me I’m entitled to 60 – 70% of our net assets.  I already knew that – thing is, the wanker disagrees.  All I hear from him is that I need this and I need that, I don’t think he’s even considered what his children need.  I don’t know – like a roof over their heads!

The problem is that while we have a couple of hundred thousand from the sale of our house, he also has plenty of assets where I have none other than less than $7000 in super.  He has an investment property, a couple of cars, a boat, a lot of super, etc but he needs to have cash so he can start again.  Sorry mate, I’m the one who needs cash to start again, moron!

He earns a really good wage and can easily start from scratch.  He just doesn’t want to.  I, on the other hand can only have so much in the bank before Centrelink cuts me off.  I have to buy a house, I can only borrow about $50 000, so if he thinks I can find a safe, decent home for around $210 000 somewhere on this planet, I’d like him to show it to me. 

The wanker has had legal advice which told him that the least I would get is 60% so why is he offering me 52%?  That’s a difference of about $30000! 

So I told my lawyer to proceed, I’m sick of him trying to rip me off.  They suggested we try once more to come to an agreement before proceeding.  And they want a $3000 upfront retainer to go ahead with any work.  I’m on a pension, people!  I don’t have $3000!  I’ve emailed the wanker and told him that I think we should try to come to an agreement but in person as everything seems to get misconstrued via email (which is how we communicate!)

He’s agreed and is coming over tomorrow to discuss.  We’ll see how that goes.  I really hope we can come to a decision.  I’m so over this and want him out of my life.  Yes, I understand that will never happen because of the kids but we can only hope.

Talk soon

1 comment:

  1. They can be real dicks can't they? My sister's ex (partner, not husband) removed all the savings from their account, took everything from the house except the fridge, even took the kids beds and clothes and toys, and then stalked my sister, found out where she lived, and then came and stole the car (they had a car each, sister had sold hers so they could get a family car, he had his own car, but the family car was in his name and he had the spare key)

    Stupid douche bags only think of themselves!

    I say go through the lawyer, all of the above mentioned events happened after mediation and *mutual agreements*, get it legal, get it written in stone!


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