Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Better Day

Ahhh, one more day till school starts.  Master R has kept his pants on for most of the day.  I had to promise him 10 stars on the reward chart if he did!  It’s only 3pm so we’ll see how we go!  Miss T’s playing with herself (no, not like that!), I can still hear her though because she has to talk to herself out loud as well.  But I’m managing to ignore the noise.

Am calmer today, had a great sleep – the blogging must be working – like a wonder-drug! 

I have to cut down the amount of sugar the kids eat.  They’re not hyper or anything, I just know that they have too much of the stuff!  They just adore chocolate and I let them have it most of the time, so this morning when they asked for chocolate I told them they could have toast instead.  Surprisingly, they were okay with that.  Master R even ate the crusts.  Would normally give them fruit but it’s shopping day tomorrow and there is none apart from one orange that she can take to school tomorrow.

Did I mention school starts again tomorrow?

Talk soon

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