Saturday, May 14, 2011

Feeling Like a Door Mat

When The Wanker and I split, we came to an agreement with the Child Support Agency about how often he would have the kids, etc.

He is a shift worker and I never know from one week to the next when he’s going to have them and that really shits me but that’s not what this post is about.  After our settlement is finalized (if ever!)  I intend to try and put in place some kind of legal contract where he has the kids on certain days of the week, or something, for now I don’t want to make him angry and fuck up any settlement agreement, he’d be inclined to hold everything up just to piss me off!

No, my beef is that I’ve worked out that he’s only been having the kids 66% of the time that was agreed to.  I don’t want more money from him because they’re in my care more.  No, what pisses me off is that he said a long time ago that he wasn’t doing any overtime so that he could spend time with the kids, if he’s doing no overtime he’d be getting 3 days off per week.  So how come 10 days go by without him seeing them?

What I think is happening is that if he has a social engagement, he prefers to go out and doesn’t have the kids.  In effect, making me a babysitter.  Find your own babysitter, Arsehole!

Talk Soon


  1. It does kinda make you the babysitter doesn't it? Not fair at all, I'd be pissed off too.

  2. That stuff must be so hard to negoitate. It is difficult enough when you live under the same roof and love each other! x

  3. Oh Doodah. That wanker? He is very aptly named.


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