I’ve been wanting to Blog for so long now, just haven’t gotten around to it. There’s so much going on in my life at the moment, I think blogging will be a great way for me to vent. And I need to vent. Get the fuck off me, ant! Sorry, my house is infested with ants. I’ve been in this house less than two weeks and I’ve had one day without them – note to self – add antrid to shopping list.
My house isn’t filthy (it’s not exactly clean either - who can be bothered?) my last house which happens to be around the corner used to get ants every few weeks or so. We’re in a rural area, maybe that’s it. I know I’m not the only one around here with this problem, they’re just so annoying. At least in this house they haven’t found their way to the kitchen bench…yet.
But I digress…where was I? Oh a little about me. I’m 44, live in Western Australia , have two kids, Miss T (4½) and Master R (3). I’m 157cm short and would like to weigh 10 kilos less than I do. Have recently separated from person who shall be known as the ‘wanker’, well it’s actually been 7 months but it still seems recent because things are still ‘up in the air’ and I want them over with. I’m talking about the financial settlement which he seems to be stalling on but that’s another blog entry!
I’m hoping that by blogging, I may be able to sleep better. I’m one of those people who are surprised when I wake up after having a great sleep. I put my head on the pillow and my mind switches on, doesn’t matter what time I go to bed, I’m usually still awake at 2am getting angry that I can’t get to sleep.
Then, of course the kids come and wake me up around 7am (which I know is a perfectly reasonable hour) but I’ve never been a morning person and I do like to have a nanna nap in the arvo if I can.
So I’m thinking that if I sit down at night and blog, then when I go to bed, everything would be out of my system and I might actually go to sleep – fingers crossed!
So, this is more for me than anything else. If people come and read, then that’s fantastic. If I get lost in cyber-space, then that’s okay too!
Talk soon
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